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"A cameraman's work must vary from picture to picture, according to the story. But his responsibility in photographing a beautiful woman remains the same, namely to present her as a beautiful woman."
(Reid 107-108)
"Before I sign a contract I insist on a clause that guarantees me one month's preperation before the start of a film. I work closely with the production manager, producer, director and script supervisor. Camera moves, locations, everything is mapped out. There are no surprises. This saves time and money."
(Reid 107-108)
"Every cameraman improvises. During the Garbo-Gilbert love scenes for Flesh and the Devil. I wanted only a faint glow cast on their faces. To acheive this I had Gilbert hold two tiny pencil carbons, sheilding them from the lens with his hands. When they kissed, they lit up."
(Reid 107-108)